learning is a set of algorithms in machine learning that attempt to
model high-level abstractions in data by using architectures composed of
multiple non-linear transformations.
learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based
on learning representations. An observation (e.g., an image) can be
represented in many ways (e.g., a vector of pixels), but some
representations make it easier to learn tasks of interest (e.g., is this
the image of a human face?) from examples, and research in this area
attempts to define what makes better representations and how to create
models to learn these representations.
Various deep
learning architectures such as Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Deep
Neural Networks, and Deep Belief Networks have been applied to fields
like computer vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language
processing, and music/audio signal recognition where they have been
shown to produce state-of-the-art results on various tasks.
Deep Machine Learning – A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence Research – Itamar Arel, Derek C. Rose, and Thomas P. Karnowski.
Info: Briefly introduce some popular deep learning algorithms, such as Convolutional Neural Networks and Deep Belief Networks ...
Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition - Yann Lecun , Léon Bottou , Yoshua Bengio , Patrick Haffner
Info: Present traditional Convolutional Neural Networks ...
Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks - Jake Bouvrie
Info: Discuss the derivation and implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks, followed by a few straightforward extensions ...
Flexible, High Performance Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification - Dan C. Ciresan, Ueli Meier, Jonathan Masci, Luca Maria Gambardella, Jürgen Schmidhuber
Info: Present a fast, fully parameterizable GPU implementation of Convolutional Neural Network variants ...
Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks - Quoc V. Le, Jiquan Ngiam, Zhenghao Chen, Daniel Chia, Pang Wei Koh, Andrew Y. Ng
Info: Present Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks ...
ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. and Hinton, G. E.
Info: Provide some improvements on traditional Convolutional Neural Networks for large image database training ...
Improving Neural Networks by Preventing Co-adaptation of Feature Detectors - G. E. Hinton, N. Srivastava, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever and R. R. Salakhutdinov
Info: Describe Dropout for deep learning ...
Maxout Networks - Ian J. Goodfellow, David Warde-Farley, Mehdi Mirza, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio
Info: Describe Maxout for deep learning ...
Regularization of Neural Network using DropConnect - Li Wan, Matthew Zeiler, Sixin Zhang, Yann LeCun, Rob Fergus
Info: Describe DropConnect for deep learning ...
Convolutional Networks and Applications in Vision - Yann Lecun , Koray Kavukcuoglu , Clément Farabet
Info: Describe unsupervised Convolutional Neural Networks ...
Deep Learning Document
Theano Document
Pylearn2 Document
Developing Environment
1. Anaconda (Python + Numpy + Scipy + Matplotlib + ...)Download:
2. Theano
3. Pylearn2
1. Convolutional Neural Networks
2. Deep Belief Networks
Public Database
1. The CIFAR-10 datasetDownload:
2. The CIFAR-100 dataset
3. NORB Object Recognition Dataset
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